Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Friends are GREAT!!

I've always really put a high value on friendship and I try to be the best friend I can in return.

This post is just my appreciation and gratefulness for all of the wonderful friends I have in my life. It's really amazing! And the thing is some are old, some are new but they're all fantastic!

First I want to announce how excited I was to receive my FIRST baby shower gift! I was at home, minding my own business (relatively speaking, we all know I'm fairly nosey) when there was a knock at my door. It was UPS! So unexpected!
So they delivered me a fairly large, but not heavy box. I called my mom so I could open it with someone! (Bensford was at work)
It was from my dear friend Colleen! I can't explain how much joy it brought me--not the gift alone, but the fact that a friend took the time out to send it! Here's a pic of our new diaper bag courstesy of my film school partner in crime!!!!

But let me take things back several months. To a new friend Akeim. He and his wife just had a baby about a year ago. At the time, I was overwhelmed with not only the costs of prepping for a baby--but prepping for my body changes (new pants, new bras, etc!!!) So do you know that Akeim (who I met at E! and who is an editor there) and his wife gave us a LARGE BOX load of baby clothes, a playpen set and a changing pad!!!!!! It was such a wonderful gift and it provided such a relief to us to know we had some basics!!! Of course they had a boy so all of the stuff is tre masculine. We shall see how much ends up being usable!!!

One day I was emailing my friend Rita who also recently had a cute little boy named Christian. I was thanking her for congratulating me. Somehow, out of the blue she asked me if I needed any money. I mean honestly. Who does that? Anyway she ended up sending me a Target gift card and i was able to buy some much needed maternity jeans! Then she sent me a box of clothes she wore that might fit. Unbelievable.

My friend Adrienne, from day one has already put it in her plans to fly to LA and help with the baby when its born.

Tia (Smitty) has sent me so many words of encouragement, along with a Pregnancy Exercise DVD AND she's picking me up from the airport in DC even though she'll be tired from travelling that same day.

MY girls here in LA--I can't even believe them--they are constantly supportive and are so excited about the baby's arrival! Every month, we, collectively known as BLACK GIRLS RULE LA!, meet to just support each other professionally and personally.
Do you know these chicks called a special meeting just to plan my LA baby shower?!!!

I guess the bottom line is this--I'm blessed. And sometimes we don't know what God's plan is for us, how we're gonna make it through. Sometimes we are scared of the unknown. But having friendship has always helped me know that ere'thang is gonna be allright!

I'm so excited at the LOVE the baby will receive when he or she arrives!

What a BLESSING!!!!!!!

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