Monday, April 14, 2008

High Kicks or Football Punts??!!

(Originally published March 18th 2008)
Well, Baby Bean is in full kicking action today! At first, to be honest--I didn't know they were kicks--I thought my stomach was just kinda "gurgling." And then one day when Bensford and I were chillin on the couch, Bean kicked like his/her life depended on it! It was so exciting--I couldn't believe it! The baby was like--HELLO??!!!!! I'm here!!!! Of course we still don't know if this was a ballerina high kick (girl) or a football field goal punt (boy) but we'll know in THREE MONTHS!!!

I LOVE it when the baby kicks--it's so exciting! Today it's been non-stop! Soon people will be able to put their hands on my belly and feel it for themselves.

But first let me clarify....I can't have any and every stranger coming up to me and feeling my stomach. It's just not gonna happen. I honestly don't understand why people who barely know you (or anyone for that matter) loves to touch the belly. I never have touched any one's pregnant tummy unless I asked. Even my own cousin! I think it's just too personal, weird and presumptous. So only my lovely friends and family are allowed to touch my belly. All other folks best be prepared to snatch back a NUB!!!

I've always wondered when pregnant woman are like--the baby's kicking, why they seemed so calm! I mean to the untrained it sounds a little nuts--the baby is KICKING YOU FROM THE INSIDE AND YOU'RE SMILING BLISSFULLY AND OFFERING FOR PEOPLE TO FEEL IT???!!!

But now I get it. At first it was such a weird feeling. But now its just so comforting. It let's me know my baby is happy, active and healthy. And there are certain times when Little Bean kicks more than others---I'm just noticiing it, but I think its related to my baby's favorite meals! Ha!!!

And the kicking doesn't actually hurt so it's all good! (Though I have heard that it will in a few months!)

That's all for now!

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